Irena Dziewiecka
Dear Gymnasts and their Parents,
My name is Irena Dziewiecka and I am addressing this message to you to introduce myself as a New Club Welfare Officer for the Rhythmic Excellence Gymnastics Club.
I have accepted this position as a parent and mother of 3 children (My daughter Amelia is part of the Junior group). I am now fully trained and certified to be a part of the RE Team.
My main role is to be a point of contact for any issues related to well-being of our gymnasts and your children (incl safeguarding) with the aim of fostering positive experiences and relationships within the club.
I, therefore, would like to welcome you to use this email or to approach me in person if you wish to discuss or require help regarding any welfare-related matters affecting your child. To make it easier for you I speak and write fluently in 3 languages - English, Polish and Russian.
I am very excited to be a part of such an inspiring Team, to support the gymnasts and their parents and to work together in promoting positive experience and well-being for all of our children.
I am looking forward meeting you all and supporting you the best way I can. Feel free to reach out - I am there for you!
Best regards,
Irena Dziewiecka